一、冰桶挑战的起源冰桶挑战,全称为“ALS 冰桶挑战赛”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge),它最初起源于美国,旨在让更多人了解和关注渐冻症(ALS)这一罕见疾...
冰桶挑战,全称为“ALS 冰桶挑战赛”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge),它最初起源于美国,旨在让更多人了解和关注渐冻症(ALS)这一罕见疾病,这个挑战活动要求参与者在网络上发布自己被冰水浇淋的视频,然后提名其他人来参与挑战,如果被提名者在 24 小时内不接受挑战,就需要向 ALS 相关慈善机构捐款。
冰桶挑战英语作文:The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge originated in the United States. It aimed to raise awareness and funds for ALS, a rare disease. Participants were required to post videos of themselves being doused with ice water on the internet and then nominate others to take the challenge. If the nominees failed to accept the challenge within 24 hours, they would have to donate to ALS-related charities. This challenge not only attracted a large number of celebrities and ordinary people to participate, but also made ALS a household name overnight.
冰桶挑战迅速在全球范围内传播开来,产生了巨大的影响力,它通过社交媒体的力量,让无数人了解到了渐冻症这一疾病,也为 ALS 研究筹集了巨额的资金,许多知名人士纷纷参与其中,包括比尔·盖茨、马克·扎克伯格、贾斯汀·比伯等,他们的参与进一步推动了挑战的热度。
冰桶挑战英语作文:The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge spread rapidly around the world and had a huge impact. It used the power of social media to make countless people aware of ALS and raised a large amount of funds for ALS research. Many famous people, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Justin Bieber, participated in it one after another, which further boosted the popularity of the challenge. It not only raised public awareness of the disease but also demonstrated the power of social media and public participation in promoting social welfare.
冰桶挑战英语作文:The significance of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge lies not only in raising funds and