一、光棍节的起源光棍节,英文名为 Singles' Day,起源于中国大学校园,11 月 11 日这一天,因为有四个“1”,形似一根根的棍子,故而被大学生们戏称为“光棍节”,在...
光棍节,英文名为 Singles' Day,起源于中国大学校园,11 月 11 日这一天,因为有四个“1”,形似一根根的棍子,故而被大学生们戏称为“光棍节”,在这个特殊的日子里,单身的人们会以各种方式庆祝自己的单身状态。
Singles' Day originated on Chinese university campuses. November 11th, with its four "1s", looks like sticks one by one, so it is jokingly called "Singles' Day" by college students. On this special day, single people will celebrate their single status in various ways.
As time goes by, Singles' Day has gradually spread from university campuses to society and has become a national festival. Major e-commerce platforms have also seized this business opportunity and launched large-scale promotional activities one after another, making Singles' Day a shopping carnival. Nowadays, Singles' Day is not only a festival for singles, but also a feast for consumers.
Singles' Day has witnessed tremendous growth and evolution. It has transformed from a relatively niche celebration among students to a global phenomenon. The e-commerce boom has further amplified its significance, turning it into a day of massive sales and consumer frenzy. People from all walks of life participate, whether they are single or not, enjoying the discounts and shopping sprees.
在光棍节这一天,单身的朋友们会相聚一起,举办各种活动,有的会选择去唱 K、看电影,有的则会参加单身派对,结交新朋友,也有很多人会选择在这一天向心仪的对象表白,希望能摆脱单身。
On Singles' Day, single friends will get together and hold various activities. Some will choose to go to karaoke, watch movies, and some will participate in single parties to make new friends. At the same time, many people will also choose to confess to their favorite objects on this day, hoping to get out of single status.